This article was originally published as dated below. It has been reedited for computer transmission as of 4/22/95. No substantial factual changes have been made from the original except to correct minor errors.

A Monthly Publication


It is the editorial intention for this monthly report to involve people in a lucid and technically competent discussion of UFO phenomenon. These reports will discuss the history of the phenomenon, UFO flight characteristics, the occupants, UFO physical effects, their propulsion methods, the technological and theoretical implications, and the social and spiritual implications of the phenomenon.
Gary Wade ( Editor )

Since the popularization of photography every now and then someone will mysteriously find what is sometimes called a Fairy Ring or phantom in the sky portion of the background of the photograph. The shapes of these phantoms range from a circular blob to a nearly strait line or streak. If faulty film processing or camera malfunctioning is ruled out, then what the photograph has probably captured is a pulse of intense ultraviolet light emitted from the area around the UFO's hull as it generates its ionization cloud envelope used for propulsion. A UFO cruising over the country side at several hundred miles per hour generates from several to several hundred ionization clouds per second depending on the particular UFO design and operation. The time required to generate each ionization cloud is around 2 microseconds. The photographer usually does not see the UFO because it is often moving so fast that his eye can not gather enough light from it to notice it. His persistence of vision being about a 1/16 of a second, he can not make a stable enough image of it on the retina to see it.
The rule of thumb is that if an object moves over 16 of its angular dimensions in your field of vision per second it will be either invisible to you or a streak in your vision if its light emissions are large enough.
The commonly used film has the same problem as the eye with the normal visible light scattered off the UFO, but the ultraviolet light pulse is so intense and localized that a image can be formed.

Quite often when UFO's are observed by sight or radar they perform rather astounding maneuvers when compared to our normal flight experience. Some common examples are: 1) Making apparent right angle turns without slowing down, 2) Blipping out or disappearing as a streak of light, 3) Two UFOs appearing to "dance" around each other while both are traveling off together in the same direction, and 4) Disappearing off the radar screen in the time it takes for one complete radar scan, which usually takes between one to two seconds. All of these examples have one thing in common, rapid changes in velocity (large accelerations). Figure 1 illustrates the first example and is of a night sighting made near Coulterville California by the author and Joe Franco while out looking for UFOs in an active UFO sighting areas. Figure 2 illustrates the sort of acceleration commonly observed. These accelerations are in general far larger in strength than anything flesh and juice can withstand without some type of compensating force field aboard the UFO. Figure 3 in the Technical Corner section illustrates how a synthetic gravity field would be used to overcome the centrifugal force from a turn. Note that a constant gravity field will not do and that if the gravity field does not change in strength precisely as needed, it could be fatal.

Until recently our galaxy was thought to be just an average sort of galaxy, consisting of several hundred billion stars, these stars form a central hub with two spiral arms projecting from it. Gas and dust are dispersed throughout the interstitial space. However, a recently deployed in orbit satellite (IRAS) above the earth discovered that our galaxy is surrounded by a concentric ring composed of billions of stars (see Figure 4). These stars are, on the average, several billion years older than the average star age in our galaxy. Most of the stars in this ring have reached the white or gray dwarf state. Computer modeling of gravitational collisions between galaxies has shown that this concentric ring of much older stars can be explained as the end result of our galaxy gravitationally colliding with a much older galaxy, perhaps as recently as two hundred million years ago. During this supposed collision between the galaxies, most of the stars of the older galaxy passed through our original galaxy. The actual probability of two stars colliding during this galaxy gravitational collision would be exceedingly small. However, the probability of a star in our galaxy capturing an orbiting satellite from a passing star is much greater, as is the exchange of interstitial galactic material between galaxies. According to the translations 1 of some ancient Sumerian tables, this is exactly what our star did. This captured satellite has a very elliptical orbit, like that of comets, and has a period of 3,600 years. This planet is much more massive than earth and will probably enter into the currently known solar system prior to the year 2,000 A. D. . Its presence is being made known by the deviations currently observed in the orbits of the planets Pluto and Neptune. The plane of the orbit of this planet is close to that of the other planets and its orbit nearly intersects that of Jupiter. The gravitational interaction between this planet and the other planets on past transits of the solar system can probably help explain some ancient mysteries. For example, why does the ceiling in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh show two star charts of the heavens, one with the planet Venus and the other without it? None of the recorded astronomical angles and periods agree with their present values.


The currently accepted Theory of Special Relativity does not allow for time flow rates which are faster than the time flow rate observed in the frame of reference of the observer. However, a UFO incident occurred some years ago along the Peruvian - Chilean border which, if taken at face value, casts serious doubts on the universal validity of the Special theory of relativity restriction on rate of time flow.
The incident went like this: a Chilean army night patrol consisting of a corporal and a handful of privates were patrolling the Chilean - Peruvian border when a glowing blue object was seen to descend from the sky and land off in the distance in the desert. The patrol proceeded to go and investigate the object. As the patrol got to within about two hundred meters of the object the privates became very fearful of it. The corporal elected to go ahead by himself and investigate. The corporal was gone approximately fifteen minutes by his men's account. Upon the corporal's return he was found to be in a dazed incoherent state. He was no longer clean shaven, but had a distinct beard growth and his digital watch was found to be five calendar days advanced. It was as though the corporal had entered a region of space where the time flow rate was approximately 500 times the normal rate.
As disagreeable as this apparent empirical result of increased time flow rate is with presently accepted theory, it does allow for a simple qualitative solution of several important UFO problems. For example, how do UFO occupants manage conditions of observed extreme acceleration without being killed?
In this issue we will show how the ability to control the rate of time flow alleviates acceleration problems encountered in commonly observed UFO flight maneuvers. Consider a UFO traveling along in a straight path as shown in Figure 5 at a velocity Vg as measured by a ground observer. However, the velocity of the UFO as measured by the UFO occupants would be Vs = dX / dTs and would be smaller than Vg = dX / dTg if the rate of time flow on the UFO were faster than the normal earth time flow rate. Let the ratio of time flow rate on the UFO to time flow rate on the ground be given by dTs / dTg = f(X), where f(X) is in general a function of UFO position X , but can be a constant independent of X.

Vs = dX / dTs = (1 / f(X) ) ( dX / dTg ) and acceleration measured aboard the UFO is:

As = dVs / dTs = d((1 / f(X)) (dX / dTg)) / dTs

As = (1/ f(X))( d( dX / dTg ) / dTs ) + ( dX / dTg )( d(1 / f(X)) / dTs )

As = ( 1 / f2(X) ) ( d( dX /dTg ) / dTg ) + ( 1 / f(X) ) ( dX / dTg ) ( d( 1 / f(X)) / dTg )

As = ( 1 /f2(X) ) ( d2X / dT2g ) + ( Vg / f(X) ) ( -1 / f2(X) ) ( df(X) / dTg )

As = Ag / f2(X) - ( Vg / f3(X) ) ( df(X) / dTg )

If we let f(X) = F, where F is a constant, then the acceleration experienced aboard the UFO is Ag / F2. If we further let F = 500, which is the apparent situation the Chilean Army Corporal experienced, then a ground calculated acceleration Ag of 2,000 earth g's would be experienced as (2,000 g's) / (500)2 = 8 x 10-3 g's aboard the UFO. Now the term df(X) / dTg is in general non - zero and can take on positive and negative values. Time can be speeded up or slowed down. If the change in the rate of time flow can be extended beyond the physical boundaries of the UFO, the df(X) / Tg term in the acceleration observed by the ship provides the basis for what can be described as a force field moving with the UFO.
Being able to change the rate of time flow also explains how UFOs can make near right angle turns without changing the magnitude of their velocity (speed). For example, suppose the ratio of the rate of time flow aboard the UFO to the time flow rate on the ground is a constant F given by F = dTs / dTg. The approximate acceleration calculated by a ground observer for a near right angle turn by a UFO would be:

Ag = V2g / Rg. The acceleration calculated and observed on the UFO for the same turn would be:

As = V2s / Rs , where Vs = Vg / F and Rs = Rg therefore As = V2g / F2Rg and As / Ag = 1 / F2 .

Let F = 500 then 1 / F2 = 4 x10-6. In other words a 1,000 earth g's turn as calculated by a ground observer would be noticed aboard the UFO only as a change of viewing angle out of a port hole.
If the Corporal's experience is true, and I have no reason to believe it is not, then his experience tells of a great secret about matter waiting to be discovered. Let me illustrate what I mean by a thought experiment. Suppose a UFO lands in your back yard and furthermore the rate of time flow aboard the UFO is 500 times your time flow rate. Now a UFO occupant that is by his reckoning walking at a normal rate in a circular fashion around the inner periphery of the crew cabin would by our reckoning be traveling at around 500 miles per hour in a circular motion. This type of circular motion of a mass in a relatively small volume with the air molecules we know about would cause a tornado - like wind in the crew cabin. If an object such as a metal ball were thrown at the inner hull of the UFO by the occupant the velocity observed by an outside observer would be in the many thousands of miles per hour range at impact and damage could be expected. Consider what a good pat on the back could do from the normal point of view of an external observer.
It should be clear now that if we are to except the Corporal's experience as true, then the normal values of drag coefficients, inertial mass, elasticity, etc. must change with rate of time flow in such a way that the observer located in the changed time flow rate can not detect this change by observing matter that is in the same time flow rate.

As pointed out in last month's issue the function of acupuncture points is to "breath" or take in negatively charged oxygen molecules ( see Figure 7 ). This is done in a simple but subtle way. The classical acupuncture experiment which demonstrates this is that of placing a large lead thimble on the skin, covering but not touching the acupuncture needle. As long as the thimble is in place the acupuncture treatment is ineffective. The lead thimble acts as a block o the flow of ions over the skin surface and also as an ion recombination site. Both of these actions stop negatively charged oxygen molecules from reaching the needle and acupuncture point.
What is the source of negatively charged oxygen molecule ions and how do they get to the human body? The source is usually natural radioactive decay going on in ground materials such as dirt and rock. When the nuclei of some unstable atoms decay, they emit high velocity charged particles such as electrons, protons, or alpha particles. These high velocity charged particles have thousands of collisions with air molecules. Many of these collisions result in the removal of electrons from air molecules, leaving behind positively charged molecules. The freed electrons sometimes recombine with the positive molecules. But more likely they will attach themselves to neutrally charged oxygen molecules, giving them a negative charge. These negatively charged air molecules do not randomly wander around by diffusion alone. They are actively forced upward toward the ionosphere by the large 440,000 volt potential difference between the negatively charged ground and the positively charged ionosphere. At the earth's surface the gradient is approximately 100 volts per foot. The human body normally finds itself between the source of negatively charged oxygen molecules and the ionosphere. However, if the human body is touching the ground, the negatively charged oxygen molecules will be repelled by the human body that is at the same potential as the negatively charged ground. The human body gets around this problem by displacing charge across the right and left half of the body (see Figure 8). One side of the body builds to a positively charged potential relative to the earth and the other becomes negatively charged relative to the earth. The body switches these polarities back and forth about every 15 to 20 minutes. The side of the body which is at a positive potential relative to the earth captures a small fraction of the negatively charged oxygen molecules in a thin layer of air above the skin. These "trapped" oxygen molecules are then drawn to the relatively more positive potential of the acupuncture points located on the skin surface of the side of the body that has a relative positive potential to that of the earth.
This elaborate trouble to which the human body goes to, to get negatively charged oxygen molecules demonstrates their importance to body metabolism.

In May of 1899 Nikola Tesla arrived in Colorado Springs, Colorado and began construction of his experimental broadcasting power station. In July 1899 the station was operational. What Tesla had built was a giant oscillator circuit, which included the entire planet as part of the circuit. In operation the station set up a standing electrical wave on the earth's surface as illustrated in Figure 9. Figure 9 is a plot of the earth's surface voltage verses path length while following a great circle route around the world. Tesla was able to achieve 134 foot long lighting bolts off of the 3 foot diameter copper sphere mounted atop the 200 foot high mast of his power station. These 134 foot long lighting bolts correspond to approximately 100,000,000 volt discharges, which are the highest known man - made voltages. He achieved these voltages with a 220,000 watt ( 300 horse power ) input.
As impressive as the 134 foot long electrical discharges were, they were negligible compared to a lighting bolt, which struck the Pikes Peak Range in July 1899. This particular lighting bolt was unwittingly created as a byproduct of Tesla's experiments. Tesla had not realized that when the millions of volts of potential from the standing wave were impressed on to the Pikes Peak Range that the points of pine needles would become copious generators of negatively and positively charged ions. However, negatively charged oxygen molecules were the predominantly produced ions. This generation of negatively charged oxygen molecules is in itself not dangerous. To the contrary, they are quite beneficial to animal metabolism. However, on the particular day in question the cooling down of convection currents with moisture in them had formed a single large cumulus cloud over a nearby ( 10 miles away ) peak in the Pikes Peak Range ( see Figure 10). The ion charged micro - water droplets trapped in the convection currents along with the convection currents themselves played the role of a belt in a Van de Graaff generator. The pine needles and cloud played the roles of charge spray source and electrically conductive dome respectively, for a Van de Graaff generator. When the cloud had charged to a sufficiently high potential, a discharge to earth occurred. It appears that the resonance frequency of the LC circuit formed by the capacitance between the cloud and earth and the inductance of the discharge path was close enough to the frequency of the standing earth electrical wave that much of the standing wave energy stored on the planet surface was dumped into the lighting bolt discharge. The ensuing atmospheric tidal wave generated from the discharge bolt arrived 48.5 seconds later at Tesala's power station. The station was heavily damaged and might have been thrown off the foundation had it not been strongly braced. From data recorded by Tesla on the lighting bolt, he calculated the bolt blast was equal to twelve tons of exploding dynamite.
It is interesting to note how little credit Nikola Tesla has been given for his work and accomplishments. This is particularly so considering his 1250 plus patents, which form the foundation for the bulk of industrial and commercial power generation, distribution, and consumption on this planet. He is also the only person known to have declined the Nobel Prize in physics.2 Perhaps, if the Nobel Committee ever releases his reply, we will know why he declined the prize.3
If you are interested in knowing more about the life and times of Nikola Tesla, I recommend Pulitzer Prize winner John J. O Neill's book, Prodigal Genius, The life of Nikola Tesla, inventor extraordinary.

1) Zecharia Sitchin's book, THE 12TH PLANET.
2) In 1912 Tesla declined the Nobel Prize in physics and instead the prize was awarded to Nils Gustaf Dalen for automatic coastal lighting.
3) It was rumored that Tesla declined the Nobel prize, because the Nobel Committee wanted to offer it jointly to Tesla and Thomas Eddision. Tesla detested Eddision because of his personal experiences with Eddision's total lack of integrity and dishonest. In short Tesla new Eddision to be a liar, cheat , and a thief and could not in good faith share a prizes with him.